Batteries for our future??

Hi engineers..

here i wanna share about batteries.. as you know that my final project in my bachelor degree of electrical engineering ITS is about charging batteries which used in stand-alone power system.

Here my point topic is batteries as our future?? you or people said that renewable energy is our future?? but how you can said that batteries..
image from IEEE green energy
and you are also right, while people said, in the future when the fossil fuel or petrol is running out.. i'm sure that someday it will happen, i can guarantee that. cause, now think about 70yrs ago, while petrol exploration is booming in midwest arab, let say that the company invested 1 barrel cost to explored and produced petrol, and then they got 100 barrel.. and by the times, their exploration to find new reservoir of oil is more difficult than before, it means for the example, they must took deeper to reach reservoir and then pumped it to surface, so the invested cost also increased, now it's estimated 1 barrel for 30 barrel.

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Posted by:Unknown ON: Saturday, May 18, 2013

About Maula Nurul Khakam

Maula Nurul Khakam1989 | I'm an Electrical Engineering in ITS Surabaya Indonesia | maniac in power electronic and automation | i've dream to combine green energy resources with education and food >> Trust Me, I'm an EngineerRead More »