Hi Engineers.. long time no blogging,.. :D
hmm.. sorry for taking long time to met you guys, you know how busy is the student in last semester. finally alhamdulillah i've graduated from ITS as an electrical engineer :D in last month..
ok, here i want to share about my final project which get A alhamdulillah... you still remember the title of my final project, right?? hahahha.. ok let me reminds you, the title is Design and Implementation of Battery Charging and Load Management System Using Synchronous Non-Inverting Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter... fyuhhh.. is it too long, right??
i called it VIRUS CONVERTER, hahaha.. if ranchodas in 3 idiot film has VIRUS INVERTER, which help virus's grandson born via vaccum cleaner which power-up by battery using virus inverter as converter.. now i have these one.. the differ is it used as converter from DC to DC to regulate voltage and current.