Ambiance Blue theme pack, update tema ubuntu 11.10

kalo di ubuntu ambiance theme yg default itu warnanya orange, maka ini ada update ambiance blue theme yg sudah support gnome 3.2 dan pastinya change-log dibawahnya yg sudah include di GTK2, GTK3 and GNOME Shell theme, seperti screenshot dibawah

Ambiance Blue Theme in gnome shell ubuntu 11.10

Disamping dekstop gnome, Ambiance blue theme jg support untuk unity dekstop jg..

Ambiance Blue Theme ini unity
Tema ini tersedia di WebUpd8 PPA, jadi temen2 bisa menginstall melalui command line berikut:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/themes 
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ambiance-blue-theme

atau kalo temen2 malas sama command line terminal, temen2 bisa download disini

Semoga bermanfaat dan keepin share n comment ya...heheheh

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Posted by:Unknown ON: Thursday, October 20, 2011

About Maula Nurul Khakam

Maula Nurul Khakam1989 | I'm an Electrical Engineering in ITS Surabaya Indonesia | maniac in power electronic and automation | i've dream to combine green energy resources with education and food >> Trust Me, I'm an EngineerRead More »